What To Expect When You're In A Design Course?
Hello~ Little Red Speaking ♥
It's been awhile since I've posted and I'm sorry about that! I've tons on my hands due to projects and so that links me to today's topic! (Feels like I'm doing a Youtube Video XD hahas!) So let's begin!! 
(Note: I'm from Industrial Design in NYP so I'm not sure about other courses/poly)

1. Expect the lecturers to tell you something Foreign

On my first day of 3D Model Making, our teacher handed us our first project and he told us he wanted our works to be book bind for submission. Now, when you just got out of Secondary school, you don't even know what is book bind! (Okie, maybe some of you know.) And when he asked if we have any questions, we all shut up! (Like normal students on their first day of school!) Honestly, I wanted to ask but everyone kept quiet so I didn't speak up :( I felt like I was the stupid one there but surprise surprise, all of us had no clue what book bind was XD 

This applies for Software classes like Rhino/AI/Photoshop as well. Lecturers tend to treat the Year 1 like we are Year 2/3.  
So, tip here: Ask! Just don't ask stupid questions. Your classmates might cringed or laughed at you. (That happened to my friend a lot!)

2. Expect your lecturers to tell you things the last minute

This happened a lot when you entered Year 2! And it's sooo stressful my friends and I could pull our hair right off our scalp! One day, my lecturer walked in and told us to hand up our portfolio next week and we totally PANIC! We all know that portfolios take lots of time! And we were given less than 1 week to complete them! 

This goes for submission as well. Expect yourself to lose sleep, people!

Tip: Organise your days and projects (Take note of the submission date.) Also! Make sure you prepare your portfolio as soon as possible like the start of Year 2 XD Because the works we did in Year 1 are always fun and games and explorations and we won't want that in. Always present your best works!

3. Expect the lecturers to be biased

For Industrial Design, we were split into 2 classes and well, I would say that the lecturers did a great job separating us because everyone in my class is the quiet type and everyone in the other class is the very loud type. I don't know how they do it but it's like rainbow unicorn magic! Hahas!
Anyway, some lecturers will be biased on classes or students. Expect them to target you and fire you with questions and criticism. Expect it to affect how the Director's List will come out as well. It's really unfair because there are more students from Class 2 than Class 1 in the Director's List and I can tell you, most of us worked sooo much harder than the other class and in the end, we don't get what we deserve. But don't let that get you down, Director's List is just a title with empty meanings ^^ It's your skills, experience and GPA that counts! 
Tip: First impression is bloody important but I would say, Just be yourself! If one lecturer doesn't likes you, hit him in the face by showing him that you got skills!

4. Expect your classmates to copy your work

This happened a few times in my class now and I just want to tell you that if someone copied you and made your idea better and presented it as his/her idea, you have to suck it up. I know, as hard as it is and no matter how bad you want to tell the lecturers; we have to tell ourselves that as soon as we step into poly, we are automatically Adults/ Designers-in-training♥ A few of my friends' works were copied by our classmates and the one who copied, didn't know what emotions my friends went through. Tsktsk! 
Tip: Take everyone feelings into consideration and showcase your own work and skills! It's to show that you have what it got to be in the design course! Because by the end of the day, if your portfolio is filled with copied works, you're out!

5. Expect some of your classmates to hate you

Yeahhh~ In a few posts ago, I talked about this guy in my class who is an utter bimbo and he still is! He is very rude to my classmates and everyone don't like him. In his mind, he is probably thinking of the same thing as the meme above but in the industry, character and personality matters a lot ♥ and I'm telling ya, his character should be thrown out of the window! If you have people like that in your class and you were to pair up with him/her, it's save to expect him/her to not do most of the work and expect he/she to criticise you and sometimes, be a complete control freak. 
Tip: If the person goes too far, you have all the rights to stand firmly on your ground and push him/her off the cliff. (Nah, just kidding about the last part :p)

6. Expect your parents to not understand your situation

Took me forever to find a good meme but...this should do.
For this point, remember how they always say "In the parents' eyes, you are always their baby." EVEN THOUGH YOU'RE IN POLY! If your parents are strict, you have to find one way or another to stay back in school to do your projects with your friends. And if you come home late, expect your parents to keep calling you. There are times you have to work through the night and your parents will just kept bothering you to sleep! 
Tip: I have no tip for this. I tried to explain to my mom sooo many times and she still don't get it. 

Now, I know that there are many more to expect in Design Courses but I'll just stop here for now because I still have tons of work to do and I need to complete them by tomorrow and the next two days after TAT 

Hope everyone have an awesome Valentine's Day and Design Courses are not all bad. I have supportive friends that I don't have in Secondary school and I'm free from bullies!! Woots Woots! They made my days in Design Course better and some of the lecturers aren't so bad either ^^ They still can relate to us and understand what we're going through ;) 


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