Reminiscing ♥
Hello~ Little Red Speaking♥

Today's post is going to be a little bit different as I decided to talk about my boyfriend today ♥ Yes, I was reminiscing when reading his past blog entries XD I read about his past love life, studies and just Life :p Hahas! Then, I read his blog entries about how we first met and how we first got together and all the unnecessary insecurities that I gave him :3 *Guilty! 

So, my boyfriend started experiencing the same love bullshit as me in Secondary school and yes, Secondary school is bullshit on top of elephant crap. (Yuck!) It's like a barbaric survival game -3- Anyway, he went through a lot too and gave up on getting into another relationship which got me thinking: if I'm in the same school as he was, will I actually be able to meet him? Since in my school, I'm in the Normal Academic Class and he is in the Express Class.
Then, I read on and think: He really liked that girl even though she was a complete 'Oh-It's-Not-Me-It's-You' type of person. So, if he and I were to met, will he be the heart breaker and break my heart and still stick to that girl? Hmmm~ I feel a juicy story coming up if this really happens :3 

Where was I? Oh yeah! So 'O' levels happened and passed and he got into work life, blah. Poly admission, blah. Then poof! Here comes our story: 

Okie okie! If my memory didn't fail me, we met at the Design Primer and when we got grouped together, he was sitting...behind me? Was it? I can't remember! But it's either in front or behind me and his first sentence was 'We're in the same class, right?' ♥ Kekeke! And I was like 'Yeah!' And I end the bloody conversation! *Face palm! I'm such a conversation killer -3- Anyway, I remembered him as the stubborn, quiet, cool guy with the grey hoodie and gel up hair XD 
Stubborn is because I asked him to eat the biscuits that our senior gave but he don't want. Quiet and cool because he didn't really talk much! :p I'm still wondering what's my first impression for him? So curious! 

Anyhoo, on that day, my group wanted to eat MacDonald's but I want to buy my laptop (I'm pretty impatient♥) so they went without me and I roamed around the school after that. When they come back, my boyfriend brought out his Ipad and I asked him if he has 'Jubeat' games or so and he said 'yes' and we clicked! I remembered I was the pro in the group when it comes to Jubeat XD Hohoho!♥ I can't really remembered what happened after that but fast forwarding to 28/4/2013....or was it 27/4/2013? :/ I think my boyfriend text me and asked me out and it was on the weekend if I'm not wrong. We met at Bishan which we played a few Arcade Games but it wasn't very fun because the whole place is kinda small -3- Then, I suggested Bugis! So lalala, we went to Bugis ♥ Played more arcade games (Jubeat, Reflect beat, 4D zombie game and street basketball♥) Between you and me, I find my boyfriend really attractive when he play street basketball ♥ Also, I freaked out wayyyy too much in the 4D zombie game! It's frigging scary, okie?! >.<  

On that day, he actually wanna bring me to watch a movie (Ironman 3, if I'm not wrong) but it was too crowded for me :/ and only the front seats left >.< So went to eat Japanese Cuisine (I still have the picture of the meal) and he bought me early birthday presents. I remembered he also suggested SK Jewelry and I was like whatttttt??? NO, Don't get me wrong, I'm not rejecting it because I don't like my boyfriend. I like him a lot and we hit off very well. I'm rejecting it because I'm not the type of girl who likes expensive jewelry :p and hell no am I asking a guy to buy me expensive things on the first date. (Maybe, I should have asked him to buy me a comic book instead...WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THAT??!!!) 

Hahas! I remembered that I was talking to him about my crush and how one of out classmates is trying to put me and my crush together XD then he asked me if I can guess who he likes which poof, my woman intuition signals went off and I knew he was talking about me. Well, my intuition is quite powerful, alright? So I,shyly, picked random girls from our class and he said 'no' all the way. Then I quickly changed the subject! hahas! Good times, good times ♥

I remembered that he text me on that day after he send me home, asking me to guess who he likes again and being a keyboard warrior that I am, I asked whether if it was me? And he said yes then I told him that I'll think about it as I don't want to jump into a relationship so soon but Guess what? 
On the 29/4/2013 (2 days later) which is my birthday, he asked me to be his gf and I told him, yes. *Sarcastic clapping. But I guess I don't regret my decisions, I don't regret them at all ♥ I felt like he was the only one for me and I can truly be myself around him. Unlike all my bloody Exes who expects me to change myself for them to either be pretty, wear contact lens, short skirts, smart and skinny etc. Go marry an anime character, would ya?! 

Sighhh~ Moving on, I realised that my boyfriend has done a lot of things for me and I couldn't be happier ♥ and I think I'm taking advantage of his kindness....I need to control myself >.< I'm going to be an ideal girlfriend for him and try to kick away my laziness ^^''' I love him lots ♥ Gosh! I kinda wanna write about our first time XD But let's keep this PG, shall we? ;)

Well, that's all. I guess ^^ We have tons of fun times and I wish I can just download them into a video from my brain but hello~ Where's the technology? XD hahahas!!! 


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