Dolly Updates, BL(?) and Fan-Fictions
Hello~ Little Red Speaking  ♥

Oh my! It has been so long has it?! Sorry for not posting anyway...(Not sure who is ever going to read this blog anyway ^^''') Anyway, I've just started working part-time again and yes, I'm working for dollies again :3 And this time it is going to be a Dreaming Doll Little Elva Ryuna! She is super cute! And she is going to represent one of my split personalities ^^ 

Yeap, you heard me!  ♥ Split personalities~ Or at least I think I have one...or two or three? Idk :p 

I wanted to get a Fairyland Pukipuki Pong Pong after that as well  ♥ For my other personality~

So, this is Ryuna!  ♥

Isn't she something~ 
She is going to be my second personality who hates men but only loves and devotes herself to Shiki, she gets very tsundere to people but a total yandere to Shiki (Hehe! ♥) So yeah, that's my character. She does not have a very good self control for her hatred/disgust for humans or something like that but Shiki is always there to bring her back from the dark side. For her name, I am thinking of Riyoko  ♥ 

Now, for my Pukipuki PongPong ♥

Cutie Putie Pie  ♥ 
She is going to my third personality :) She is a very open character who loves to make people smile and do even more open things to people who she is really close to like Shiki and Riyoko.  ♥ She is just a ball of joy that wants to make people notice her. Her name....I was thinking of 'Meme'  ♥  From Soul Eater Not! 

Shiki is actually a part of my Split Personalities as well but it's funny because he has been with me since primary school~ But I don't consider him as a split personality...more like a...imaginary friend/guardian angel? (Arh! I'm going to laugh at myself in the next 10 years!) 

YOU! whoever is reading this...Yeah, I know I'm weird but yeah~ Those are my personalities that are split into different dolls.

Speaking of dolls, Miki is up for sale. She is the recast doll that I bought and I know a lot of people don't like recast but hey, that's unfair. It's like you die accepting normal children and hating children with physical and mental difficulties. That's how I see things in this situation~ So Yeapyeap! 

OMG! Moving on to BL! 
Have anyone heard of Love Stage!? OMG~ Dying! It's a BL anime/manga and the characters in that story is just HOT! In the latest episode of Love Stage! I was literally squealing! ♥ Like fangirling throughout the whole episode! (Very bad for my heart! Yikes~) But I SHIP IZUMI AND RYOMA SO MUCH! I COULD JUST DIE FROM SQUEALING!

ARH! HAWT!!!♥ Ship this two ♥ I was never the BL type but this really change my point of view ♥ 

And speaking of Love, I decided (Randomly) to check of fan-fictions on Wattpad and I was reading another One Direction Fan-Fiction titled 'Help Me, Please' (I think!♥) It was so good at the front then suddenly one of the kidnappers in the story changed personality from Sweet Hawtie to Evil Stalking Son of a Bitch! I was like 'Wow! Why? I thought he is going to remain a Sweet hawtie!' 
In the middle, the main character freaked out and cry non-stop and freaked out even more because well, she had her traumatic experiences with the kidnappers. THEN! I stopped reading because in the story, Harry raped her -3-

Nope! Not going to continue~ I respect the author and all but in my view, Harry Styles is a sweet guy and she just taint him in the story ^^'' (Even though, I never met him :/ I SHOULD HAVE JUST WENT TO THEIR CONCERT WHEN THEY CAME TO SINGAPORE!!! But I dislike crowds.) 
And so, I decided to move on to other fan-fics! ♥ Hope there are some good ones! 
Don't get me wrong! I was so hooked to the story :) Check it out if you want ~ I feel like writing one myself too, actually! 

And fan-fics always make me wanna be a Directioner again but it's hard to actually follow someone famous! So, no more fandom for me excpet dollies and Sebastian 


Updates on myself....Well, I managed to ice skate properly when I went with my friends ^^ 

Here we are, waiting for our other two girlies ♥

Just a few pictures ♥
And to my surprise, they celebrated my birthday too even though, it was in April and it was the August when they celebrated it so I guess you can call it 'Super Belated'! But I'm really happy that they went through the trouble and surprise me! I was totally off guard and was like 'wait what! Who's birthday?XD' 
yeahhh~~~ Awkward! I'm the awkward type ^^

♥ Some more pictures~ 

And yeah~ I think that is all! I think I made a great effort today to post such a long entry~ Not sure if anyone would even read it XD Hahas! 

So yeah~ 

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