The Diary Of Another ♥
Hello~ Little Red Speaking ♥
Soooo~ School is reopening!!! And I just checked, the timetable is not even out yet -3- *Sarcastic clapping :p My friends already have theirs :/
Anyway, I won't be posting for awhile (No surprise!) unless my doll comes then I'll spam some crazy amount of pictures here ^^ Of course, I'm talking about my beautiful Doll Love YouYou ♥ Hehe! I hope to receive an email from them next Friday and then, 2 weeks of shipping!! *Squeal ♥ A-anyway, I'll be busy with my Portfolio and stuff (Trying to do Manga :p) And also, my friends and I set up a blog called thediaryofanother.blogspot.com ! Do check it out :) It's about us writing stories of our own characters in one story so there's three authors present ^^ So far, the story is flowing quite well. I'm not sure how the things will turned out to be like but I hope it turns out well :p hehe! So anyway, that's all for this short update ;)
Who ?
Definition of ME♥ I'm a little Crazy & Weird but that's me! I called myself 'Little Red' Because...Just Because ♥ *Laughs! I'm in love with BJDs and I rant a lot about them! They are my life ♥ I'm attached to my awesome boyfriend since 29 April 2013(My birthday ♥) That's all! Bye ♥
Stuff ?
The Diary Of Another ♥
Hello~ Little Red Speaking ♥
Soooo~ School is reopening!!! And I just checked, the timetable is not even out yet -3- *Sarcastic clapping :p My friends already have theirs :/
Anyway, I won't be posting for awhile (No surprise!) unless my doll comes then I'll spam some crazy amount of pictures here ^^ Of course, I'm talking about my beautiful Doll Love YouYou ♥ Hehe! I hope to receive an email from them next Friday and then, 2 weeks of shipping!! *Squeal ♥ A-anyway, I'll be busy with my Portfolio and stuff (Trying to do Manga :p) And also, my friends and I set up a blog called thediaryofanother.blogspot.com ! Do check it out :) It's about us writing stories of our own characters in one story so there's three authors present ^^ So far, the story is flowing quite well. I'm not sure how the things will turned out to be like but I hope it turns out well :p hehe! So anyway, that's all for this short update ;)