Little Red's Updates #2
Hello~ Little Red Speaking ♥

How's everyone? I hope my readers are having a good day! ^_^ 
Anyway, I have to apologize again for not blogging for a frigging long time~ >~< 

Well~ I'll be updating some stuff that I can remember :p (My brain cells are failing me!) They will go in a random sequence so it's a tad confusing but bare with me ♥

Firstly, I went out with my BFFs today! We went to our usual ION Orchard and Somerset 313 - Eating, Talking, Shopping and stuff like that XD We even went to watch a movie today! We were watching the top movie of the month - The Maze Runner ♥

It was soooo GOOD, just like people had said ♥ it's filled with thrills, a little bit of jumpscares and the ending was like teary eyes then you might go 'WTF' after that XD 
Throughout the whole movie, 3 guys caught my eyes and they are soooooo HAWT

The guy acting as Minho caught my eyes ;) He is sooo CUTE! *fangirl ♥ Oh! also, the guy from 'Meet The Millers' is in the movie too XD He was a complete Virgin Nerd in that movie and in Maze Runner, he is so MEAN! and badass :p It's like he is completely brainwashed into being in the Maze throughout his life and he had this pride soooo BIG, it outdid the Maze XD Hahahs! The ending was really 'WTF' and I think there will be a part 2 of the movie? Idk :p It just feels like there's more to it ^^
Well, let's give the Grievers some attention too because they are considered as main characters XD At first, I thought the whole movie was on pure alien abduction because of the description of the Grievers and I thought they would look like trolls or ogres but No :p they are all Mechanic Spiders and they have this scorpion tail that sting people with poison ^^
I would personally give the movie a 4.5/5 stars rating ^^ 
Also, I made a mess of myself too seemingly because I'm like the messiest eater when it comes to eating in the theatres XD Hahas!

~Moving On♥~

Hmmm~ Ice Skating! I went to The Rink @Jcube with my Boyfriend again and it was sooo BAD XD I thought I got the hang of it but the ice was sooo bumpy and rough that day, I just can't skate as good as the last time I went with my friends :/ I fell 4 times again and mostly clung on for support :p Hahas! I did went very fast once when my boyfriend was holding my hand and it was TOO fast! I cannot X'D

Went to Pastamania @Bugis too to celebrate our 17th Monthsary ♥ And everyday is like a new day with my boyfriend ♥ I'm so relieve the 7th Month curse has been broken :p 

~Moving On♥~

My doll is still not here yet TAT and I have eyed another body for Shiki XD I'm getting him a MSD body and some demon horns for his character! OMG! I've also eyed on a doll that is on sale right now XD Yasminbjd (Her instagram's name) is selling her MSD girl and OMG! I want! It's a steal but I'm so broke right now and I'm thinking of trying layaway :/ Whoever is eyeing her too because I mentioned her, DON'T. DO. IT! I want her XD Hahas! But no, seriously! I want her QAQ 

~Moving On♥~ 

What else? :/ Ehhhh~ I did my very first faceup on a Monster High Doll - Skelita ♥ I must say it's not bad for a first timer XD Hahas! Do check out my Instagram Account - @kimmilythepooh to check out my Art stuff and the faceup ;) Don't be shy! Hehe 

~Moving On♥~ 

Oh Right! I was harrassed by some dick last Monday and I swear! I was shaking like crazy when I managed to escape from that numbskull -3- I hate perverts, stalkers, unhygienic, no common sense men soooo frigging much!! ARH! So, he was like your regular hormones crazy boy from Montfort Secondary School (How I know which school? I'll let you know later) He stopped me at the void deck of my grandma's house and he asked me for the time and I told him, I also told him if he wanna ask for directions, he can ask someone else but NO! He wasn't and he asked me if I can spare some time and asked me to follow him somewhere so we can chat for awhile. I told him 'No' because I have to catch my bus and go home but he didn't let me go and asked where I study, Where I stay, What's my income (Like wtf -3-), do I have a boyfriend, blah blah blah! I said 'yes'  to that question and he still shamelessly asked me if I'm a Virgin and how many partners I had -3- 

OKAY! DOUCHEBAG! If you're trying to pick a girl up, I suggest Geylang! Tons of girls will be there for sick, hormones crazy idiots like yourself who wants to fool around so go there and get HIV and die please -3- 

Anyway, I managed to get away from him after getting his number and not giving any information about myself. I was so afraid that he will follow my bus because he had his bicycle with him and my house wasn't so far away. When I got down from the bus, I thought I saw him - Bicycle and Orange Shirt, I ran for my life! I climbed up the mini hill and dashed through the void decks! I managed to get away safe and sound and told my boyfriend about this! I gave him that Dick's phone number and surprise surprise! My boyfriend found his facebook account with all his info in it (including school, instagram, phone no., recent places, etc) and wrote a report to the police but knowing the police, they probably won't do anything about it -3- because it might be a too trivial case and probably wouldn't bother :/ 

So anyway, please be careful out there, girls >~< I know that once in your life, something like that would happen to you and people are always saying 'Just ignore them and walk away' or 'call for help' but people who has no experience on this don't know anything! If you ignore them, they will follow you for sure! And call for help? Call who? No one will bother and I don't trust strangers to do anything. (My friends used to be harassed by some guy in the train and no one did anything.) Calling for help on the phone won't do you any good if the person harassing you is near you and you don't know if the person is aggressive or not >~< 
I suggest that we just need to be sharp and take every chances we can to escape~

Well, Tata~ Xoxo 
And be careful, my dear readers 
Just to get this straight, I'm neutral to men who are not what I mention above ^^

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