Is It Really A Job?
Hello~ Little Red Speaking 
Today, I've took on the most uncomfortable job alive! What am I talking about? Well, I'm talking about those donation drive where people, mostly teenagers, will go around asking for a $10 donation that would be able to help many people and they will , ofc, tell you that they are licensed.Yeah, I took on that job for a day and it was soooo traumatic for me :( I learnt that people won't even listen to me and yeah, TBH I think that $10 as a donation is a lot, especially in Singapore but the fact that people just shunned you off like that without even letting you speak is terrible. I was so disheartened and I just broke out in tears. The people I knew who are doing this donation stuff with me are awesome people and they love what they do and I like them for it. It's just that the job is just not suitable in Singapore. People just won't listen, they don't care because $10 to all of us is a lot of money. 

Arh! And today, a man totally annoyed me and my other friend who was working with me. He was like 'Why don't you give me $10, I donate it for you?' and 'why do you have to cross out things, it's obviously a business strategy.' Then, when my friend asked a lady who sat opposite of the guy and the guy said 'Hey, don't donate. It's their business strategy.'  

We have a goal/ criteria to make. My goal was to ask 100 people and I'm crossing out the number of people I've talked to. And it's not a scam :( Yeah, I know. Many people won't believe in all these kind of donations cause of scams and their need for money. I totally understand cause I do too, I need the money to buy something that I've been dying to get for years!!! But, all I'm saying is that, people can trust/believe whatever they want :) Just follow your heart, if you want to do good and believe in the people doing donation drives, go ahead :) If you don't trust them, hear them out before you nicely say 'No.' 

Well, all I know is - This job scarred me for life and it's a lesson for me. This job ain't just for me, no matter how high the salary is. That's all~ Will do a review on Dreamy Days In West Tokyo (Haruki) soon  

Tata~ Xoxo

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